
About the Author

Ron Hale-Evans is a writer, thinker, and game designer who earns his daily sandwich with frequent gigs as a technical writer. He has a bachelor's degree in psychology from Yale, with a minor in philosophy. Thinking a lot about thinking led him to create the Mentat Wiki (, which led to this book. You can find his multinefarious [sic] other projects at his home page (, including his award-winning board games, a list of his Short-Duration Personal Saviors, and his blog. Ron's next book will probably be about game systems, especially since his series of articles on that topic for the dear, departed Games Journal ( has been relatively successful among both gamers and academics. If you want to email Ron the names of some gullible publishers, or you just want to bug him, you can reach him at (rhymes with nudism and has nothing to do with Luddism).

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