


launchctl { help | list | export | reloadttys | shutdown }
launchctl { start | stop } job...
launchctl { load | unload } [-w] pathname...
launchctl { stdout | stderr } pathname
launchctl { getenv | unsetenv } variable
launchctl setenv variable value
launchctl getrusage { self | children }
launchctl limit [{ core | cpu | data | filesize | maxfiles | maxproc | memlock | rss
| stack } [integer [integer]]]
launchctl umask [umask]
launchctl log [level level | { only | mask } level...]

Control utility for launchd. If called with no arguments, enters an interactive mode using the same set of subcommands as may be specified on the command line. You can use Control-D or Control-C to exit interactive mode.



Displays the shell commands necessary to export launchd’s environment variables.


Displays the value of the specified launchd environment variable.


Displays resource utilization data for launchd or its child processes.


Prints a usage statement to standard output.


With no further arguments, displays launchd’s resource limits. With one argument, displays the limit for the specified resource. If the resource name is followed by a number, both the hard and soft limits for the resource are set to the specified number. If the resource name is followed by two numbers, the soft limit is set to the first number, and the hard limit is set to the second number.


Displays the jobs loaded by launchd and run by the invoking user. ...

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