6.4. Authenticating by Public Key (OpenSSH)


You want to set up public-key authentication between an OpenSSH client and an OpenSSH server.


  1. Generate a key if necessary:

    $ mkdir -p ~/.ssh                        If it doesn't already exist
    $ chmod 700 ~/.ssh
    $ cd ~/.ssh
    $ ssh-keygen -t dsa
  2. Copy the public key to the remote host:

    $ scp -p id_dsa.pub remoteuser@remotehost:
    Password: ********
  3. Log into the remote host and install the public key:

    $ ssh -l remoteuser remotehost
    Password: ********
    remotehost$ mkdir -p ~/.ssh                       If it doesn't already exist
    remotehost$ chmod 700 ~/.ssh
    remotehost$ cat id_dsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys  (Appending)
    remotehost$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
    remotehost$ mv id_dsa.pub ~/.ssh                  Optional, just to be organized
    remotehost$ logout
  4. Log back in via public-key authentication:

    $ ssh -l remoteuser remotehost
    Enter passphrase for key '/home/smith/.ssh/id_dsa': ********


OpenSSH public keys go into the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. Older versions of OpenSSH, however, require SSH-2 protocol keys to be in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2.


Public-key authentication lets you prove your identity to a remote host using a cryptographic key instead of a login password. SSH keys are more secure than passwords because keys are never transmitted over the network, whereas passwords are (albeit encrypted). Also, keys are stored encrypted, so if someone steals yours, it’s useless without the passphrase for decrypting it. A stolen password, on the other hand, is immediately usable.

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