


svn propset propname [propval] path ...
svn propset propname --revprop -r rev [propval] [URL]

Set propname to propval on files, directories, or revisions. The first example creates a versioned, local property change in the working copy, and the second creates an unversioned, remote property change on a repository revision. The new property value, propval, may be provided literally, or using the -F valfile option.

Alternate names: pset, ps

Changes: working copy; repository only if operating on a URL

Accesses repository: only if operating on a URL


--changelist name, -cl name
--depth arg
--encoding enc
--file file, -F file
--quiet (-q)
--revision rev, -r rev
--targets filename


Set the mimetype on a file:

$ svn propset svn:mime-type image/jpeg foo.jpg
property 'svn:mime-type' set on 'foo.jpg'

On a Unix system, if you want a file to have the executable permission set:

$ svn propset svn:executable ON somescript
property 'svn:executable' set on 'somescript'


By default, you cannot modify revision properties in a Subversion repository. Your repository administrator must explicitly enable revision property modifications by creating a hook named pre-revprop-change.

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