


svn commit [path ...]

Send changes from your working copy to the repository. If you do not supply a log message with your commit by using either the --file or --message option, svn starts your editor for you to compose a commit message.


If you begin a commit and Subversion starts your editor to compose the commit message, you can still abort without committing your changes. To cancel your commit, just quit your editor without saving your commit message and Subversion prompts you to abort the commit, continue with no message, or edit the message again.

Alternate names: ci (short for check in--not co, which is short for checkout)

Changes: working copy, repository

Accesses repository: yes


--changelist name, -cl name
--depth arg
--editor-cmd cmd
--encoding enc
--file file, -F file
--message text, -m text
--quiet (-q)
--targets filename
--with-revprop property


Commit a simple modification to a file with the commit message on the command line and an implicit target of your current directory (.):

$ svn commit -m "added howto section."
Sending        a
Transmitting file data.
Committed revision 3.

To commit a file scheduled for deletion:

$ svn commit -m "removed file 'c'."
Deleting       c
Committed revision 7.

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