


addr2line [options] [addresses]

Translate hexadecimal program addresses into filenames and line numbers for the executable given with the -e option, or a.out if -e is not specified. If addresses are given on the command line, display the filename and line number for each address. Otherwise, read the addresses from standard input and display the results on standard output (useful for use in a pipe). addr2line prints two question marks (??) if it cannot determine a filename, and 0 if it cannot determine the line number. addr2line is used for debugging.


-b bfdname, --target=bfdname

Set the binary file format using its binary file descriptor name, bfdname. Use the -h option for a list of supported formats for your system.

-C, --demangle[=style]

Decode (demangle) low-level symbol names into usernames. See the -h help output for a list of styles supported by your compiler.

-e file, --exe=file

Specify the filename of the executable to use. The default filename is a.out.

-f, --functions

Display function names in addition to filenames and line numbers.

-h, --help

Display help information and exit.

-s, --basenames

Strip directories off filenames and show only the basenames.

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