
Our look is the result of reader comments, our own experimentation, and feedback from distribution channels. Distinctive covers complement our distinctive approach to technical topics, breathing personality and life into potentially dry subjects.

The image on the cover of Linux Cookbook depicts armament workers. In World War I, women found opportunites in the workplace as skilled laborers in armament factories. A Women’s Bureau was created to protect the women’s jobs, but many returned to the home when the soldiers returned at the war’s end. Women’s contribution in the workplace was an important element in the growing support for women’s suffrage, finally achieved in 1920 with the passing of the 20th Amendment.

During World War II, the number of women who found new jobs and responsibilities increased, with women filling the roles of journalist, nurse, and factory worker. The new wage laborers often found themselves working in poor conditions for low pay. They also encountered discrimination, harassment, and resentment, but they still made tremendous advances in the perception of women’s abilities. The image of Rosie the Riveter evokes the attitude of many of the newly empowered women, who took a long-awaited opportunity to increase their strength and freedom.

Colleen Gorman was the production editor and proofreader, and Rachel Wheeler was the copyeditor for Linux Cookbook. Genevieve d’Entremont and Claire Cloutier provided quality control. Mary Agner and Meghan Lydon provided ...

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