Composition Strategies

In this section, we describe three strategies for building more complex queries:

  • Progressive query construction

  • Using the into keyword

  • Wrapping queries

All are chaining strategies and produce identical runtime queries.

Progressive Query Building

At the start of the chapter, we demonstrated how you could build a lambda query progressively:

	var filtered = names.Where (n => n.Contains ("a"));
	var sorted = filtered.OrderBy (n => n);
	var query = sorted.Select (n => n.ToUpper());

Because each of the participating query operators returns a decorator sequence, the resultant query is the same chain or layering of decorators that you would get from a single-expression query. There are a couple of potential benefits, however, to building queries progressively:

  • It can make queries easier to write.

  • You can add query operators conditionally.

A progressive approach is often useful in comprehension queries. To illustrate, imagine we wanted to use Regex to remove all vowels from a list of names, and then present in alphabetical order those whose length is still more than two characters. In lambda syntax, we could write this query as a single expression—by projecting before we filter:

	IEnumerable<string> query = names
	  .Select  (n => Regex.Replace (n, "[aeiou]", ""))
	  .Where   (n => n.Length > 2)
	  .OrderBy (n => n);

	RESULT: { "Dck", "Hrry", "Mry" }

Translating this directly to comprehension syntax is trouble-some because comprehension clauses must appear in where-orderby-select order to be ...

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