

1023 cylinder limit, Obtaining Sufficient Disk Space
2> (redirection operator), Input/Output Redirection and Piping, The while command
2>& (redirection operator), Input/Output Redirection and Piping
& (ampersand), Correcting Commands, Periscope: A Useful Networking Script
* (asterisk), Finding a file, Filename Globbing
' (backquote), Quoted Strings
\ (backslash), Correcting Commands, Quoted Strings
! (bang), Filename Globbing
/boot partition, creating, Create the /boot partition
{} (curly braces), Shell Variables
$ (dollar sign), Logging In
and shell variables, Shell Variables
. (dot)
in filenames, Displaying directory contents
working directory, Absolute and relative pathnames
./ (dot-slash), Running programs
" (double quote), Quoted Strings
/ (forward slash), Absolute and relative pathnames, Creating a directory
# (hash mark), Correcting Commands, Logging In
.. (parent directory), Absolute and relative pathnames
| (pipe), Displaying directory contents, Input/Output Redirection and Piping, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
less command and, Shell Variables
? (question mark), Filename Globbing
> (redirection operator), Correcting Commands, Input/Output Redirection and Piping
/root, The directory tree
/ (root directory), What to add
partition, creating, Create the / partition
; (semicolon), Correcting Commands
' (single quote), Creating a directory, Quoted Strings
[ ] (square brackets), Filename Globbing
~ (tilde), Creating Web Pages, Filename Globbing
home directory and, Filename Globbing


aborting ...

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