Chapter 11. Documenting Python Code

This chapter concludes Part III with a look at techniques and tools used for documenting Python code. Although Python code is designed to be readable in general, a few well-placed human-readable comments can do much to help others understand the workings of your programs. To support comments, Python includes both syntax and tools to make documentation easier. Although this is something of a tools-related concept, the topic is presented here, partly because it involves Python’s syntax model, and partly as a resource for readers struggling to understand Python’s toolset. As usual, this chapter ends with pitfalls and exercises.

The Python Documentation Interlude

By this point in the book you’re probably starting to realize that Python comes with an awful lot of prebuilt functionality—built-in functions, exceptions, predefined object attributes, standard library modules, and more. Moreover we’ve really only scratched the surface of each of these categories.

One of the first questions that bewildered beginners often ask is: how do I find information on all the built-in tools? This section provides hints on the various documentation sources available in Python. It also presents documentation strings and the PyDoc system that makes use of them. These topics are somewhat peripheral to the core language itself, but become essential knowledge as soon as your code reaches the level of the examples and exercises in this chapter.

Documentation Sources

As summarized ...

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