A Highly Configurable and Mutable Plug-in Pattern

In this pattern, similar to Alex Sexton’s prototypal inheritance plug-in pattern, logic for our plug-in isn’t nested in a jQuery plug-in itself. We instead define our plug-in logic using a constructor and an object literal defined on its prototype. jQuery is then used for the actual instantiation of the plug-in object.

Customization is taken to the next level by employing two little tricks, one of which we’ve seen in previous patterns:

  • Options can be overridden both globally and per collection of elements.

  • Options can be customized on a per-element level through HTML5 data attributes (as shown below). This facilitates plug-in behavior that can be applied to a collection of elements but then customized inline without the need to instantiate each element with a different default value.

We don’t see the latter option in the wild too often, but it can be a significantly cleaner solution (as long as we don’t mind the inline approach). If you’re wondering where this could be useful, imagine writing a draggable plug-in for a large set of elements. We could go about customizing their options as follows:

$( ".item-a" ).draggable( {"defaultPosition":"top-left"} );
$( ".item-b" ).draggable( {"defaultPosition":"bottom-right"} );
$( ".item-c" ).draggable( {"defaultPosition":"bottom-left"} );

But using our patterns inline approach, the following would be possible:

$( ".items" ).draggable();
<li class="item" data-plugin-options="{"defaultPosition":"top-left"}"></div>
<li class="item" data-plugin-options="{"defaultPosition":"bottom-left"}"></div>

And so on. We may well have a preference for one of these approaches, but it is just another variation worth being aware of.

 * "Highly configurable" mutable plugin boilerplate
 * Author: @markdalgleish
 * Further changes, comments: @addyosmani
 * Licensed under the MIT license

// Note that with this pattern, as per Alex Sexton's, the plug-in logic
// hasn't been nested in a jQuery plug-in. Instead, we just use
// jQuery for its instantiation.

;(function( $, window, document, undefined ){

  // our plug-in constructor
  var Plugin = function( elem, options ){
      this.elem = elem;
      this.$elem = $(elem);
      this.options = options;

      // This next line takes advantage of HTML5 data attributes
      // to support customization of the plug-in on a per-element
      // basis. For example,
      // <div class=item" data-plugin-options="{"message":"Goodbye World!"}"></div>
      this.metadata = this.$elem.data( "plugin-options" );

  // the plug-in prototype
  Plugin.prototype = {
    defaults: {
      message: "Hello world!"

    init: function() {
      // Introduce defaults that can be extended either 
      // globally or using an object literal. 
      this.config = $.extend( {}, this.defaults, this.options, 
      this.metadata );

      // Sample usage:
      // Set the message per instance:
      // $( "#elem" ).plugin( { message: "Goodbye World!"} );
      // or
      // var p = new Plugin( document.getElementById( "elem" ), 
      // { message: "Goodbye World!"}).init()
      // or, set the global default message:
      // Plugin.defaults.message = "Goodbye World!"

      return this;

    sampleMethod: function() {
      // e.g. show the currently configured message
      // console.log(this.config.message);

  Plugin.defaults = Plugin.prototype.defaults;

  $.fn.plugin = function( options ) {
    return this.each(function() {
      new Plugin( this, options ).init();

  // optional: window.Plugin = Plugin;

})( jQuery, window , document );


  message: "foobar"

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