
Many people have contributed to putting this book together, both in its Exploring Java incarnation and in its current form as Learning Java. Foremost we would like to thank Tim O’Reilly for giving us the opportunity to write this book. Special thanks to Mike Loukides, the series editor, whose endless patience and experience got us through the difficult parts. Paula Ferguson and John Posner contributed their organizational and editing abilities to get the material into final form. We could not have asked for a more skillful or responsive team of people with whom to work.

Particular thanks are due to our technical reviewers: Andrew Cohen, Eric Raymond, Lisa Farley, and Jim Farley (not related). All of them gave thorough reviews that were invaluable in assembling the final draft. Eric contributed many bits of text that eventually found their way into the book.

Speaking of borrowings, the original version of the glossary came from David Flanagan’s book, Java in a Nutshell. We also borrowed the class hierarchy diagrams from David’s book. These diagrams were based on similar diagrams by Charles L. Perkins. His original diagrams are available at

Thanks also to Marc Wallace and Steven Burkett for reading the book in progress. As for the crowd in St. Louis, a special thanks to LeeAnn Langdon of the Library Ltd. and Kerri Bonasch. Deepest thanks to Victoria Doerr for her patience and love. Finally, thanks for the support of the “lunch” crowd: Karl “Gooch” Stiefvater, Bryan “Butter” O’Connor, Brian “Brian” Gottlieb, and the rest of the clan at Washington University.

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