


This message is sent in response to a query message in the PDP. These messages are generally created and processed by the discovery service without intervention by the developer. This message contains the following elements:


The type of discovery ( PEER , GROUP , or ADV )


The advertisement of the peer that initiated discovery


The attribute being queried


The value of the attribute being queried


A vector of advertisements that match the query


A vector of expiration times; these correspond to the advertisement in the responses vector

public abstract class DiscoveryResponseMsg {
// Public Constructors
   public DiscoveryResponseMsg();  
// Public Class Methods
   public static String getAdvertisementType();  
// Property Accessor Methods (by property name)
   public int getDiscoveryType();  
   public void setDiscoveryType(int type);  
   public java.util.Enumeration getExpirations();  
   public void setExpirations(java.util.Vector expirations);  
   public String getPeerAdv();  
   public void setPeerAdv(String peer);  
   public String getQueryAttr();  
   public void setQueryAttr(String attr);  
   public String getQueryValue();  
   public void setQueryValue(String value);  
   public int getResponseCount();  
   public void setResponseCount(int count);  
   public java.util.Enumeration getResponses();  
   public void setResponses(java.util.Vector responses);  
// Public Instance Methods
   public abstract net.jxta.document.Document getDocument(net.jxta.document.MimeMediaType ...

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