


Instances of the pipe service are retrieved from the getPipeService( ) method of the PeerGroup class. The pipe service is used to create both input and output pipes. Input pipes are created from their advertisements and are initially unconnected. Output pipes are created from the advertisement of the input pipe to which they want to connect. When the createOutputPipe( ) method returns, the pipes have successfully connected.

Unicast pipes (either secure or unsecure) are created between two peers. Propagate pipes are broadcast-oriented; to create an output propagate pipe, you must supply to the createOutputPipe() method an enumeration of the peers that you want to receive the message.

public interface PipeService extends net.jxta.service.Service {
// Public Constants
   public static final String PropagateType;                    
// ="JxtaPropagate”
   public static final String UnicastSecureType;                
// ="JxtaUnicastSecure”
   public static final String UnicastType;                      
// ="JxtaUnicast”
                  // Public Instance Methods
   public abstract InputPipe createInputPipe(net.jxta.protocol.PipeAdvertisement adv) throws IOException;
   public abstract InputPipe createInputPipe(net.jxta.protocol.PipeAdvertisement adv, PipeMsgListener listener) 
       throws IOException; 
   public abstract net.jxta.endpoint.Message createMessage();  
   public abstract void createOutputPipe(net.jxta.protocol.PipeAdvertisement adv, OutputPipeListener listener) 
       throws IOException;
   public abstract OutputPipe createOutputPipe(net.jxta.protocol.PipeAdvertisement ...

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