
Package net.jxta.exception


This package contains various exception classes used by the JXTA language bindings. The class hierarchy for this package is shown in Figure 9-6.

The net.jxta.exception package

Figure 9-6. The net.jxta.exception package


public class JxtaException extends Exception;
public class DiscardQueryException extends JxtaException;
public class HandshakeInProgressException extends JxtaException;
public class NoResponseException extends JxtaException;
public class PeerGroupException extends JxtaException;
public class ProtocolNotSupportedException extends JxtaException;
public class ResendQueryException extends JxtaException;
public class ServiceNotFoundException extends JxtaException;
public class UnknownServiceException extends JxtaException;
public class ViolationException extends JxtaException;


public class JxtaError extends Error;

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