
recv — Receives a message from a pipe


recv [-t timeout] input pipe


recv receives a message from an input pipe. A time-out in seconds can be given; if no time-out is given, the call will block until a message is received. A time-out of 0 will block indefinitely.

The message received from the recv command should be stored in an environment variable. If a time-out occurred, then no value is returned, and the environment variable is not created. Otherwise, the environment variable contains the message sent from the connected output pipe.


JXTA>pipeadv = mkadv -p
JXTA>inpipe = mkpipe -i pipeadv
JXTA>msg = recv inpipe

This example creates a pipe advertisement (pipeadv), creates an input pipe (inpipe), and receives a message (msg) over that pipe. The recv command will block until a message is received.

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