


This class provides an implementation of RSA signatures. Instances of this class are returned by the JxtaCryptoSuite object when that suite is constructed with the appropriate RSA key and signature profile.

In order to use a signature object, the suite must be constructed with a profile containing JxtaCrypto.MEMBER_RSA and either JxtaCrypto.MEMBER_MD5 or JxtaCrypto.MEMBER_SHA1 (if both are specified, the MD5 algorithm will be used).

In addition, when you create the suite, you specify a second argument that specifies the signature type, either Signature.ALG_RSA_MD5_PKCS1 or Signature.ALG_RSA_SHA_PKCS1. Note, however, that the signature algorithm used depends on the profile and not on the signature type argument.

This class is not commonly used by the JXTA programmer.

public class RSASignature implements {
// Public Constructors
   public RSASignature();  
   public RSASignature( rsaAlg, theKey, 
                                              byte theType, theDigest); 
// Methods Implementing Signature
   public byte getAlgorithm();                                  
// default:0
   public String getAlgorithmName();                            
// default:"Signature”
   public void init(byte theMode) throws;
   public byte[ ] sign(byte[ ] inbuf, int offset, int inLength) throws;
   public void update(byte[ ] inbuf, int offset, int length) throws; ...

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