
Package net.jxta.document


The classes in this package manage JXTA documents. Documents are the key abstraction of data sent between JXTA peers: all data elements exchanged by JXTA peers are instances of documents. Documents may be either structured or unstructured; the most common usage is structured documents with a MIME type of “text/xml.”

Advertisements for various types of JXTA resources are represented by Advertisement objects returned from the AdvertisementFactory class. Similarly, you use the StructuredDocumentFactory class to obtain StructuredDocument objects, which can then be populated with one or more Element objects. The class hierarchy for this package is shown in Figure 9-4.

The net.jxta.document package

Figure 9-4. The net.jxta.document package


public static interface AdvertisementFactory.Instantiator;
public interface Attributable;
public interface Document;
public interface Element;
public interface StructuredDocument extends Document, Element;
public static interface StructuredDocumentFactory.Instantiator;
public interface StructuredTextDocument extends StructuredDocument, TextDocument, TextElement;
public interface TextDocument extends Document;
public interface TextElement extends Element;


public abstract class Advertisement;
public class AdvertisementFactory extends net.jxta.util.ClassFactory;
public class Attribute;
public class MimeMediaType ...

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