


Pipe advertisements announce the presence of a pipe. The pipe advertisement for an input pipe is created from the AdvertisementFactory class; you must populate each of its fields. The pipe advertisement for an output pipe is created automatically by the pipe service when the pipe is resolved. The advertisement has the following fields:


The unique ID of the pipe


The type of the pipe ( UnicastType, UnicastSecureType, or PropagateType )


The symbolic name of the pipe

public abstract class PipeAdvertisement extends net.jxta.document.Advertisement implements Cloneable {
// Public Constructors
   public PipeAdvertisement();  
// Public Constants
   public static final String IdTag;                            
// ="Id”
   public static final String NameTag;                          
// ="Name”
   public static final String TypeTag;                          
// ="Type”
                  // Public Class Methods
   public static String getAdvertisementType();  
// Property Accessor Methods (by property name)
   public getID();                               
// Overrides:Advertisement
   public String getName();  
   public void setName(String n);  
   public getPipeID();  
   public void setPipeID( pipeId);  
   public String getType();  
   public void setType(String type);  
// Public Methods Overriding Advertisement
   public Object clone();  

Passed To

net.jxta.pipe.PipeService.{createInputPipe(), createOutputPipe()}, ModuleSpecAdvertisement.setPipeAdvertisement()

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