About the Author

Maximiliano Firtman, @firt, is a developer focused on mobile and HTML5 development. He is a trainer in mobile technologies and founder of ITMaster Professional Training. He is the author of many books, including Programming the Mobile Web (O'Reilly). He has spoken at international conferences such as OSCON, Velocity, Breaking Development, GOTO Europe, Campus Party, QCon, and Adobe en Vivo.He has been an Adobe Community Professional since 2011 and a Nokia Developer Champion since 2006, and he has developed many mobile-related projects, such as MobileHTML5.org, MobileTinyURL.com, and iWebInspector.com. He maintains a mobile web development blog at MobileXweb.com.He is an expert in native and HTML5 web development, including iOS, Android, PhoneGap, and jQuery technologies.

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