
ConsoleCommandLine — global utilities for the console window


Most web browsers support a JavaScript console (which may be known by a name like “Developer Tools” or “Web Inspector”) that allows you to enter individual lines of JavaScript code. In addition to the normal global variables and functions of client-side JavaScript, the console command line typically supports the useful properties and functions described here. See also the Console API.


readonly Element $0

The document element most recently selected via some other feature of the debugger.

readonly Element $1

The document element selected before $0.


void cd(Window frame)

When a document includes nested frames, the cd() function allows you to switch global objects and execute subsequent commands in the scope of the specified frame.

void clear()

Clear the console window.

void dir(object o)

Display the properties or elements of o. Like Console.dir().

void dirxml(Element elt)

Display an XML or HTML-based representation of elt. Like Console.dirxml().

Element $(string id)

A shortcut for document.getElementById().

NodeList $$(string selector)

Return an array-like object of all elements matching the specified CSS selector. This is a shortcut for document.querySelectorAll(). In some consoles, it returns a true array rather than a NodeList.

void inspect(any object, [string tabname])

Display the object, possibly switching from the console to a different tab of the debugger. The second argument is an optional hint about how ...

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