
Object: a superclass that contains features of all JavaScript objects — ECMAScript v1


new Object( )
new Object(value)



This optional argument specifies a primitive JavaScript value—a number, boolean, or string—that is to be converted to a Number, Boolean, or String object.


If no value argument is passed, this constructor returns a newly created Object instance. If a primitive value argument is specified, the constructor creates and returns a Number, Boolean, or String object wrapper for the primitive value. When the Object( ) constructor is called as a function, without the new operator, it behaves just as it does when used with the new operator.



A reference to the JavaScript function that was the constructor for the object.


hasOwnProperty( )

Checks whether an object has a locally defined (noninherited) property with a specified name.

isPrototypeOf( )

Checks whether this object is the prototype object of a specified object.

propertyIsEnumerable( )

Checks whether a named property exists and would be enumerated by a for/in loop.

toLocaleString( )

Returns a localized string representation of the object. The default implementation of this method simply calls toString( ), but subclasses may override it to provide localization.

toString( )

Returns a string representation of the object. The implementation of this method provided by the Object class is quite generic and does not provide much useful information. Subclasses ...

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