


public abstract class ServiceFactory {
// Protected Constructors
    protected ServiceFactory(  ); 
// Public Constants
    public static final String SERVICEFACTORY_PROPERTY;
               // ="javax.xml.rpc.ServiceFactory”
                  // Public Class Methods
    public static ServiceFactory newInstance(  ) throws ServiceException;
// Public Instance Methods
    public abstract javax.xml.rpc.Service createService(javax.xml.namespace.QName serviceName) 
throws ServiceException;
    public abstract javax.xml.rpc.Service createService( wsdlDocumentLocation, 
    javax.xml.namespace.QName serviceName) throws ServiceException; 

ServiceFactory is a factory object used to create Service objects. To obtain an instance of this abstract class, use the static newInstance( ) method, which attempts to locate a suitable concrete implementation as follows:

  • Looks in the system properties for a property called javax.xml.rpc.ServiceFactory. If this property is defined, its value is assumed to be the class name of a concrete implementation of ServiceFactory.

  • Looks for the same property in a file called ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/ If the property is found, its value is assumed to be the required class name.

  • Looks for a resource called META-INF/services/javax.xml.rpc.ServiceFactory in the classpath. If such a resource exists, it is opened and a single line is read from it. If the line is not empty, it is used as the required class name.

  • Uses an implementation-dependent default class. In the case of the reference ...

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