


public class ServiceException extends Exception {
// Public Constructors
    public ServiceException(  ); 
    public ServiceException( Throwable cause); 
    public ServiceException( String message); 
    public ServiceException( String message, Throwable cause); 
// Public Instance Methods
    public Throwable getLinkedCause(  );
               // default:null

ServiceException is a checked exception that is thrown to report an error condition that arises during the invocation of a method of the javax.xml.rpc.Service interface. It may also be thrown from the init( ) method of a service implementation class that implements the javax.xml.rpc.server.ServiceLifecycle interface.

Like JAXRPCException, ServiceException may have either or both a text message and a linked Throwable that describe the cause of the error. These can only be set at construction time and are retrieved using the getMessage( ) and getLinkedCause( ) methods, respectively.

Thrown By

javax.xml.rpc.Service.{createCall( ), getCalls( ), getPort( ), getPorts( )}, ServiceFactory.{createService( ), newInstance( )}, javax.xml.rpc.server.ServiceLifecycle.init( )

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