


public interface SpecificationLink extends RegistryObject {
// Public Instance Methods
    public abstract ServiceBinding getServiceBinding(  )
       throws javax.xml.registry.JAXRException;             //L0
    public abstract RegistryObject getSpecificationObject(  )
       throws javax.xml.registry.JAXRException;             //L0
    public abstract InternationalString getUsageDescription(  )
       throws javax.xml.registry.JAXRException;             //L0
    public abstract Collection getUsageParameters(  )
       throws javax.xml.registry.JAXRException;             //L0
    public abstract void setSpecificationObject(RegistryObject obj)
       throws javax.xml.registry.JAXRException;             //L0
          public abstract void setUsageDescription(InternationalString usageDescription) 
         throws javax.xml.registry.JAXRException;             //L0
    public abstract void setUsageParameters(Collection usageParameters)
       throws javax.xml.registry.JAXRException;             //L0

A SpecificationLink is an attribute of a ServiceBinding that is used to link the binding to another RegistryObject that either is or refers to technical documentation for the service. The link to the information itself is provided by the object obtained from the getSpecificationObject( ) object method. In an ebXML registry, this is likely to be an ExtrinsicObject that refers directly to a copy of the specification in the repository, which can be obtained using the getRepositoryItem( ) method. In the case of the UDDI registry, the target object is most likely to be a Concept with an associated ExternalLink that points to the location ...

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