


public interface ProviderMetaData {
// Public Instance Methods
    public abstract int getMajorVersion(  ); 
    public abstract int getMinorVersion(  ); 
    public abstract String getName(  ); 
    public abstract String[ ] getSupportedProfiles(  ); 

ProviderMetaData provides information about a JAXM provider. An instance of this object can be obtained by calling the getMetaData( ) method of a ProviderConnection object.

The getName( ) method can be used to obtain an identifier for the JAXM provider to which the client is connected, while getMajorVersion( ) and getMinorVersion( ) return version information. These methods may be useful for logging purposes. The getSupportedProfiles( ) method returns the names of the SOAP profiles that the provider supports. The names themselves are provider-specific and can be passed to the ProviderConnection createMessageFactory( ) method to obtain a factory that can create messages built according to the rules of the named profile.

Returned By

ProviderConnection.getMetaData( )

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