

# symbol instead of cid:, An Example SOAP with Attachments Application
-deployGeneratedModule option (deploytool utility), Deploying the JAX-RPC service
-deployModule option (deploytool utility), Deploying the JAX-RPC service
_get Property( ) method (Object class), The Client-Side JAX-RPC API
_getPropertyNames( ) method (Iterator class), The Client-Side JAX-RPC API
_set Property( ) method, The Client-Side JAX-RPC API


absolute addresses, using tokens instead of, Constructing and sending the message
accessors, Handling the BookList request in the service implementation, RPC-Style Operations
Action element (ebXML-TRP MessageHeader), The MessageHeader Element
action element (SOAP-RP header), SOAP-RP Overview
activation.jar file, Compiling and running the book web service example
actor attribute, SOAP Actors and the mustUnderstand Attribute
addAssociation( ) method, Associations
addAttribute( ) method (SOAPElement), Handling the BookList request in the service implementation
addBodyElement( ) method (SOAPElement), Creation of SOAPElements
addBodyPart( ) method (MimeMultipart), MimeMultipart Attachments
addChildElement( ) method (SOAPElement), Creation of SOAPElements, Creation of SOAPElements
addDetail( ) method (SOAPFault), Creating Fault Elements
addFault( ) method (SOAPBody), Creating Fault Elements
addHeader( ) method (MimeHeaders), The MimeHeader and MimeHeaders Classes
addHeaderElement( ) method (SOAPHeader), Creating Header Elements
additionalTypes element (config.xml file), The typeMappingRegistry ...

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