


Class Name:







The StringFormat class contains a number of static methods that can be used to validate the format of strings, typically received as input from a user, and to format values as strings that can be used in HTML output without causing browser interpretation problems.

Class Summary

public class StringFormat {
  // Methods
  public static boolean isValidDate(String dateString,
    String dateFormatPattern);
  public static boolean isValidEmailAddr(String emailAddrString);
  public static boolean isValidInteger(String numberString,
    int min, int max);
  public static boolean isValidString(String value,
    String[] validStrings, boolean ignoreCase);
  public static String replaceInString(String in, String from,
    String to);
  public static java.util.Date toDate(String dateString,
    String dateFormatPattern) throws java.text.ParseException;
  public static String toHTMLString(String in);
  public static Number toNumber(String numString,
    String numFormatPattern) throws java.text.ParseException;


public static boolean isValidDate(String dateString, String dateFormatPattern)

Returns true if the specified date string represents a valid date in the specified format. The dateFormatPattern is a String specifying the format to be used when parsing the dateString. The pattern is expressed with the pattern letters defined for the java.text.SimpleDateFormat class.

public static boolean isValidEmailAddr(String ...

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