Developing an Iterating Action

As I alluded to earlier, a tag handler can iterate over the element’s body until some condition is true. The evaluation of the body may be different for each iteration, since the tag handler can introduce a variable (used in the body) that changes its value. An example of an iterating action is the <ora:loop> used in this book. It can be used to iterate over the element body once for each value in an array, a java.util.Vector, a java.util.Dictionary, or a java.util.Enumeration. Here’s an example of how the <ora:loop> action can be used:

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html" %> 
<%@ taglib uri="/orataglib" prefix="ora" %>
  <body bgcolor="white">
      String[] test = new String[4];
      test[0] = "first";
      test[1] = "second";
      test[2] = "third";
      test[3] = "fourth";
      pageContext.setAttribute("test", test);

      <ora:loop name="test" loopId="x" className="java.lang.String">
        Current value: <%= x %>

Here, the <ora:loop> tag iterates over the elements of a String array, adding the current value to the response using a JSP expression in the action’s body.

The com.ora.jsp.tags.generic.LoopTag class is the tag handler class for the <ora:loop> action. It extends BodyTag support and has four properties:

public class LoopTag extends BodyTagSupport {
    private String name;
    private String loopId;
    private String className;
    private String property;

A standard property setter method is provided for each property. This ...

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