
Class javax.crypto.Cipher


This engine class represents a cryptographic cipher, either symmetric or asymmetric. To get a cipher for a particular algorithm, call one of the getInstance() methods, specifying an algorithm name, a cipher mode, and a padding scheme. The cipher should be initialized for encryption or decryption using an init() method and an appropriate key (and, optionally, a set of algorithm-specific parameters, though these are typically unused). Then you can perform the encryption or decryption, using the update() and doFinal() methods.

Class Definition

public class javax.crypto.Cipher extends java.lang.Object { // Constants public static final int DECRYPT_MODE; public static final int ENCRYPT_MODE; // Constructors protected Cipher(CipherSpi, Provider, String); // Class Methods public static final Cipher getInstance(String); public static final Cipher getInstance(String, String); // Instance Methods public final byte[] doFinal(); public final byte[] doFinal(byte[]); public final int doFinal(byte[], int); public final byte[] doFinal(byte[], int, int); public final int doFinal(byte[], int, int, byte[]); public final int doFinal(byte[], int, int, byte[], int); public final int getBlockSize(); public final byte[] getIV(); public final int getOutputSize(int); public final AlgorithmParameters getParameters(); public final Provider getProvider(); public final void init(int, Key); public final void init(int, Key, SecureRandom); public final void init(int, Key, AlgorithmParameterSpec); ...

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