Implementing a Class Loader

Part of the security implications of a class loader depend upon its internal implementation. When you implement a class loader, you have two basic choices: you can extend the ClassLoader class, or you can extend the SecureClassLoader class. The second choice is preferred, but it is not an option for Java 1.1. If you’re programming in 1.2, you may choose to use the URL class loader rather than implementing your own, but the information in this section will help you understand the security features of the URL class loader. In this section, then, we’ll look at how to implement both default and secure class loaders.

Implementing the ClassLoader Class

Aside from the primordial class loader, all Java class loaders must extend the ClassLoader class (java.lang.ClassLoader). Since the ClassLoader class is abstract, it is necessary to subclass it to create a class loader.

Protected methods in the ClassLoader class

In order to implement a class loader, we start with this method:

protected abstract Class loadClass(String name, boolean resolve) Protected methods in the ClassLoader class , protected Class loadClass(String name, boolean resolve)

Using the rules of the class loader, find the class with the given name and, if indicated by the resolve variable, ensure that the class is resolved. If the class is not found, this method should throw a ClassNotFoundException. This method is abstract in 1.1, but not in ...

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