


This class allows you to authenticate users via a JNDI database. To configure this login module, you must define (in the login configuration file) two properties: user.provider.url and group.provider.url. For example, to contact an LDAP server, you would set the first property to ldap://LDAPServerHostName/LDAPName where LDAPName is the entry in the LDAP directory. The LDAP server must store information according to the format defined in RFC 2307. This module also works with NIS (using URLs of the form nis://NISServerHostName/NISDomain/user and nis://NISServerHostName/NISDomain/system/group).

Class Definition

public interface {

    // Constants
    public final String USER_PROVIDER;
    public final String GROUP_PROVIDER;

    // Constructors
    public JndiLoginModule(  )
    // Instance Methods
    public abstract boolean abort(  );
    public abstract boolean commit(  );
    public abstract void initialize(Subject, CallbackHandler,
                                    Map, Map);
    public abstract boolean login(  );
    public abstract boolean logout(  );

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