


This class is used to affect the context in which an SSL socket is created; in particular, the init( ) method allows you to provide the key and trust managers that will be used to provide and verify the credentials used in the SSL protocol negotiation. The key and trust managers must actually be classes that implement the X509KeyManager and X509TrustManager interfaces (unless you’ve installed a different SSLContext implementation).

Class Definition

public class
    extends java.lang.Object {

    // Constructors
    protected SSLContext(SSLContextSpi, Provider, String);

    // Class Methods
    public static SSLContext getInstance(String, String);
    public static SSLContext getInstance(String, Provider);
    public static SSLContext getInstance(String);

    // Instance Methods
    public final String getProtocol(  );
    public final Provider getProvider(  );
    public final SSLServerSocketFactory getServerSocketFactory(  );
    public final SSLSocketFactory getSocketFactory(  );
    public final void init(KeyManager[], TrustManager[], SecureRandom);

See also

X509KeyManager, X509TrustManager

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