Third-Party Security Providers

There is an increasing number of third-party security providers for both the standard Java Cryptography Architecture and for the Java Cryptography Extension. A partial list of these security providers follows. Note that many of them are based outside the United States; they arose out of the export restrictions on Sun’s implementations that used to be imposed by the U.S. government.

The following list is not exclusive: new providers will certainly have been written in the time this book has been published, and the algorithms provided by each entry in the list are subject to change. In addition to the listed engines, these packages will all provide the necessary key classes and engines to support the algorithms in the package. For more security providers, see

  • The Cryptix Foundation, LTD ( )

    The Cryptix-JCE package from The Cryptix Foundation, LTD in the United Kingdom furnishes a security provider that includes implementations of the following engines:

    Message digest:

    Haval, MD2, MD4, MD5, RIPE-MD128, RIPE-MD160, SHA

    Digital signature:

    RSA with MD2, MD4, MD5 and SHA, El Gamal


    Blowfish, CAST 5, DES, DESede, IDEA, Loki, RC2, RC4, Safer, Speed, Square, El Gamal

    Cryptix is freely available.

  • Distributed Systems Technology Centre (

    The Java Crypto and Security Implementation (JCSI) of DSTC includes a Java 2 security provider that implements ...

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