OracleStatement Implements Statement

As you’ve experienced throughout this chapter, the Oracle implementation of Statement has several extensions to the JDBC standard. Let’s finish this chapter with a review of those extensions. When you use a Connection object returned by an oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver object to create a Statement object, what is actually returned is an OracleStatement object. The JDBC Statement object is an interface that defines a set of methods that must be implemented by any class that states it implements java.sql.Statement. oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement implements java.sql.Statement, providing you with all the standard JDBC methods; plus, it implements the following OracleStatement methods:

clearDefines(  ) throws SQLException
defineColumnType(int column_index, int type) throws SQLException
defineColumnType(int column_index, int type, int max_size) throws SQLException
defineColumnType(int column_index, int typeCode, String typeName) throws SQLException
String getOriginalSql(  ) throws SQLException
String getRevisedSql(  ) throws SQLException
int getRowPrefetch(  )
int sendBatch(  ) throws SQLException
setResultSetCache(OracleResultSetCache cache) throws SQLException
setRowPrefetch(int value) throws SQLException

You should now have a good grasp of how to use a Statement object to execute a SQL statement. Let’s move on to Chapter 10, where we’ll cover everything you’d like to know, and perhaps a little more, about ResultSets.

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