


An instance of this abstract class represents a document “transformation engine” such as an XSLT processor. A TransformerFactory is used to create Transformer objects that perform document transformations, and can also be used to process transformation instructions (such as XSLT stylesheets) into compiled Templates objects.

Obtain a TransformerFactory instance by calling the static newInstance( ) method. newInstance( ) returns an instance of the default implementation for your Java installation, or, if the system property javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory is set, then it returns an instance of the implementation class named by that property. The default TransformerFactory implementation provided with the Java distribution transforms XML documents using XSL stylesheets.

You can configure a TransformerFactory instance by calling setErrorListener( ) and setURIResolver( ) to specify an ErrorListener object and a URIResolver object to be used by the factory when reading and parsing XSL stylesheets. The setAttribute( ) and getAttribute( ) methods can be used to set and query implementation-dependent attributes of the transformation engine. The default engine supplied by Sun does not define any attributes. The getFeature( ) method is used to test whether the factory supports a given feature. For uniqueness, feature names are expressed as URIs, and each of the Source and Result implementations defined in the three subpackages of this package define ...

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