
Package javax.xml.parsers


This package defines classes that represent XML parsers and factory classes for obtaining instances of those parser classes. DocumentBuilder is a DOM-based XML parser created from a DocumentBuilderFactory. SAXParser is a SAX-based XML parser created from a SAXParserFactory. In Java 5.0, you can configure either of the factory classes to create parsers that validate against a W3C XML Schema specified with a javax.xml.validation.Schema object. Note that this package does not include parser implementations. Instead, it is an implementation-independent layer that supports “pluggable” XML parsers. Furthermore, this package does not define a DOM or SAX API for working with XML documents. The DOM API is defined in org.w3c.dom, and the SAX API is defined in org.xml.sax and its subpackages.


public abstract class DocumentBuilder;
public abstract class DocumentBuilderFactory;
public abstract class SAXParser;
public abstract class SAXParserFactory;


public class ParserConfigurationException extends Exception;


public class FactoryConfigurationError extends Error;

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