


This interface is implemented by an object that want to be notified when it is bound or unbound in an SSLSession object. If the object passed to the putValue( ) method of a SSLSession implements this interface, then its valueBound( ) method will be called by putValue( ), and its valueUnbound( ) method will be called when that object is removed from the SSLSession with removeValue( ) or when it is replaced with a new object by putValue( ). The argument to both methods of this interface is a SSLSessionBindingEvent, which specifies both the name to which the object was bound or unbound, and the SSLSession within which it was bound or unbound.

Figure 18-15.

public interface SSLSessionBindingListener extends java.util.EventListener {
// Public Instance Methods
     void valueBound(SSLSessionBindingEvent event);  
     void valueUnbound(SSLSessionBindingEvent event);  

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