


This interface is implemented by any class that wants to receive notifications (in the form of a call to handshakeCompleted( ) method) when an SSLSocket completes the SSL handshake. Register a HandshakeCompletedListener for an SSLSocket by passing it to the addHandshakeCompletedListener( ) method of the socket. When the socket completes the handshake phase of connection, it will call the handshakeCompleted( ) method of all registered listeners, passing in a HandshakeCompletedEvent object.

Figure 18-3.

public interface HandshakeCompletedListener extends java.util.EventListener {
// Public Instance Methods
     void handshakeCompleted(HandshakeCompletedEvent event);  

Passed To

SSLSocket.{addHandshakeCompletedListener( ), removeHandshakeCompletedListener( )}

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