


This interface defines an API for determining whether a Certificate meets some criteria. Implementations are used to specify critera by which a certificate or certificates should be selected from a CertStore object. The match( ) method should examine the Certificate it is passed and return true if it “matches” based on whatever criteria the implementation defines. See X509CertSelector for an implementation that works with X.509 certificates. See CRLSelector for a similar interface for use when selecting CRL objects from a CertStore.

Figure 14-59.

public interface CertSelector extends Cloneable {
// Public Instance Methods
     Object clone( );  
     boolean match( cert);  



Passed To

CertStore.getCertificates( ), CertStoreSpi.engineGetCertificates( ), PKIXBuilderParameters.PKIXBuilderParameters( ), PKIXParameters.setTargetCertConstraints( )

Returned By

PKIXParameters.getTargetCertConstraints( )

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