


This class is used by Permissions to store a collection of Permission objects that are all the same type. Like the Permission class itself, PermissionCollection defines an implies( ) method that can determine whether a requested Permission is implied by any of the Permission objects in the collection. Some Permission types may require a custom PermissionCollection type in order to correctly implement the implies( ) method. In this case, the Permission subclass should override newPermissionCollection( ) to return a Permission of the appropriate type. PermissionCollection is used by system code that manages security policies. Applications rarely need to use it.

Figure 14-28.

public abstract class PermissionCollection implements Serializable {
// Public Constructors
     public PermissionCollection( );  
// Public Instance Methods
     public abstract void add(Permission permission);  
     public abstract java.util.Enumeration<Permission> elements( );  
     public abstract boolean implies(Permission permission);  
     public boolean isReadOnly( );  
     public void setReadOnly( );  
// Public Methods Overriding Object
     public String toString( );  



Passed To

ProtectionDomain.ProtectionDomain( )

Returned By

Too many methods to list.

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