


This class represents the value of an RequestProcessingPolicy for a POA. A value of RequestProcessingPolicyValue.USE_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MAP_ONLY indicates that requests are checked only against the active object map, and an OBJECT_NOT_EXIST exception is thrown if the object is not found. A value of RequestProcessingPolicyValue.USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT indicates that if the object is not found in the active object map, or if the POA has a ServantRetentionPolicy of NON_RETAIN, and if the POA has a default servant, then the request is passed onto the POA's default servant. A value of RequestProcessingPolicyValue.USE_SERVANT_MANAGER indicates that is the servant isn’t found in the active object map, or if the POA has a ServantRetentionPolicy of NON_RETAIN, and if a ServantManager is registed with the POA, then the ServantManager is asked to locate the servant. The default value is USE_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MAP_ONLY.

public class RequestProcessingPolicyValue implements org.omg.CORBA.portable.IDLEntity {
// Protected Constructors
   protected RequestProcessingPolicyValue( int value);  
// Public Constants
   public static final int _USE_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MAP_ONLY;          // =0
   public static final int _USE_DEFAULT_SERVANT;                 // =1
   public static final int _USE_SERVANT_MANAGER;                 // =2

           public static final RequestProcessingPolicyValue USE_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MAP_ONLY; public static final RequestProcessingPolicyValue ...

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