


This exceptions is thrown by any of the bind or rebind methods on the NamingContext interface, when the NamingContext has given up trying to bind the object to the name specified, for some reason not covered by the other exceptions thrown by these methods. The CannotProceed exception contains a NamingContext that is the last context that it attempted to traverse, and a NameComponent array, which is the remainder of the name specified in the method call, relative to the context.

public final class CannotProceed extends org.omg.CORBA.UserException {
// Public Constructors
   public CannotProceed();  
   public CannotProceed(NamingContext _cxt, 
        NameComponent[] _rest_of_name);  
   public CannotProceed(String $reason, NamingContext _cxt,      // 1.4
        NameComponent[] _rest_of_name);  
// Public Instance Fields
   public NamingContext cxt;  
   public NameComponent[] rest_of_name;  

Passed To

CannotProceedHelper.{insert(), write()}, CannotProceedHolder.CannotProceedHolder()

Returned By

CannotProceedHelper.{extract(), read()}

Thrown By

_NamingContextExtStub.{bind(), bind_context(), bind_new_context(), rebind(), rebind_context(), resolve(), resolve_str(), unbind()}, _NamingContextStub.{bind(), bind_context(), bind_new_context(), rebind(), rebind_context(), resolve(), unbind()}, NamingContextExtOperations.resolve_str(), NamingContextOperations.{bind(), bind_context(), bind_new_context(),

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