


A Skeleton object lives with a server-side object implementation, dispatching method calls to the remote object implementation. Server implementations generated by the rmic compiler use Skeletons.

The dispatch() method invokes the method specified by the operation number opnum on the object implementation obj. It unmarshals the method arguments from the input stream obtained from the RemoteCall argument, passes them to the appropriate method on the Remote object, marshals the results (if any), and returns them to the caller using the output stream on the RemoteCall. The getOperations() method returns an array of Operation objects, which represent the methods available on the remote object.

public interface Skeleton {
// Deprecated Public Methods
   public abstract void dispatch(Remote obj,                     // #
        RemoteCall theCall, int opnum, 
        long hash) throws Exception;  
   public abstract Operation[] getOperations();          // #

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