


The ServletResponse object sends MIME encoded data back to the client. The interface defines a getOutputStream() method that returns a ServletOutputStream for sending binary data and a getWriter() method that returns a PrintWriter for sending textual data. The setContentType() and setContentLength() methods can be used to explicitly set the content type and content length (often necessary for keep-alive connections and other tasks). If you call setContentType(), you should do so before you call getWriter(), as getWriter() consults the content type to determine which charset to use.

public interface ServletResponse {
// Property Accessor Methods (by property name)
   public abstract int getBufferSize();                          // 2.2
   public abstract void setBufferSize( int size);                // 2.2
   public abstract String getCharacterEncoding();  
   public abstract boolean isCommitted();                        // 2.2
   public abstract void setContentLength( int len);  
   public abstract void setContentType( String type);  
   public abstract java.util.Locale getLocale();                 // 2.2
   public abstract void setLocale( java.util.Locale loc);        // 2.2
   public abstract ServletOutputStream getOutputStream(
        ) throws IOException;  
   public abstract PrintWriter getWriter(
        ) throws IOException;  
// Public Instance Methods
   public abstract void flushBuffer() throws IOException;        // 2.2
   public abstract void reset();                                 // 2.2
   public abstract void resetBuffer();                           // 2.3


ServletResponseWrapper, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse

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