


An Interaction is used to invoke specific actions on a resource. An Interaction is obtained from a Connection by calling its createInteraction() method. An interaction with a resource is carried out using the execute() methods, specifying an InteractionSpec object to specify what action is to be taken, and providing either an input and output Record (for actions that require a Record to operate on), or just an output Record (for actions that just produce an output). Interactions may allocate resources on behalf of the client, so they should always be closed when not needed any longer.

public interface Interaction {
// Public Instance Methods
   public abstract void clearWarnings(
        ) throws ResourceException;  
   public abstract void close() throws ResourceException;  
   public abstract Record execute(InteractionSpec ispec, 
        Record input) throws ResourceException;  
   public abstract boolean execute(InteractionSpec ispec, 
        Record input, 
        Record output) throws ResourceException;  
   public abstract javax.resource.cci.Connection getConnection(
   public abstract ResourceWarning getWarnings(
        ) throws ResourceException;  

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