


An ActivationID uniquely identifies an activatable object within the activation system. It also contains an opaque reference to the Activator responsible for activating the object, which it uses when its activate() method is invoked. An ActivationID is generated for an activatable object by registering it using the Activatable.register() method (the stub returned by this method is initialized with the ActivationID), or by using one of the appropriate Activatable.exportObject() methods.

                  Returned By
public class ActivationID implements Serializable {
// Public Constructors
   public ActivationID( Activator activator);  
// Public Instance Methods
   public Remote activate(
        boolean force) throws
	ActivationException, UnknownObjectException, RemoteException;  
// Public Methods Overriding Object
   public boolean equals( Object obj);  
   public int hashCode();  

Passed To

Activatable.{Activatable(), exportObject(), inactive(), unregister()}, ActivationGroup.{activeObject(), inactiveObject()}, ActivationGroup_Stub.newInstance(), ActivationInstantiator.newInstance(), ActivationMonitor.{activeObject(), inactiveObject()}, ActivationSystem.{getActivationDesc(), setActivationDesc(), unregisterObject()}, Activator.activate()

Returned By

Activatable.{exportObject(), getID()}, ActivationSystem.registerObject()

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