


A NamingEvent represents any kind of event generated from a naming/directory service. It’s state includes the EventContext that fired the event, the type of event, and the new and old binding information for its associated object (in case the event involves a change in this binding).

public class NamingEvent extends java.util.EventObject {
// Public Constructors
   public NamingEvent(EventContext source, int type, 
        javax.naming.Binding newBd, 
        javax.naming.Binding oldBd, Object changeInfo);  
// Public Constants
   public static final int OBJECT_ADDED;                         // =0
   public static final int OBJECT_CHANGED;                       // =3
   public static final int OBJECT_REMOVED;                       // =1
   public static final int OBJECT_RENAMED;                       // =2
                  // Property Accessor Methods (by property name)
   public Object getChangeInfo();  
   public EventContext getEventContext();  
   public javax.naming.Binding getNewBinding();  
   public javax.naming.Binding getOldBinding();  
   public int getType();  
// Public Instance Methods
   public void dispatch( NamingListener listener);  
// Protected Instance Fields
   protected Object changeInfo;  
   protected javax.naming.Binding newBinding;  
   protected javax.naming.Binding oldBinding;  
   protected int type;  

Passed To

NamespaceChangeListener.{objectAdded(), objectRemoved(), objectRenamed()}, ObjectChangeListener.objectChanged()

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