


Exception is the base class for Java language exceptions. Exceptions represent non-fatal error conditions that applications may be able to recover from. Exception is derived from the Throwable class, which is also the parent of Error. However, exceptions derived from Error differ from those derived from Exception in that they represent conditions from which application code would not usually be expected to recover.

Methods that throw Exceptions are required to include a throws clause in their declarations, except under one condition: methods are not obliged to declare any exceptions that derive from the RuntimeException class. These types of exceptions typically indicate a programming error that cannot be recovered from.

This class is the same as its J2SE equivalent, apart from its inability to be serialized.

public class Exception extends Throwable {  
// Public Constructors
   public Exception();  
   public Exception( String s);  

Subclasses, ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, InterruptedException, RuntimeException, javax.microedition.midlet.MIDletStateChangeException, javax.microedition.rms.RecordStoreException

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