


PrintStream is an OutputStream subclass that contains methods that convert Java primitive types and objects into a printable format before writing them to an underlying OutputStream.

The overloaded variations of the print() method handle primitives of type boolean, char, char[], int, long, String and Object. The string representation of an Object is obtained from its toString() method. The println() methods behave in the same way as print(), but follow their output with a newline character.

The System.out and System.err variables hold instances of PrintStream. Because streams of this type are often used when inserting debugging or tracing code where it would be inconvenient to catch exceptions, the print() and println() methods do not throw an IOException if an error is detected. Instead, they set an internal error state that can be checked by calling the checkError() method.

public class PrintStream extends OutputStream {  
  // Public Constructors
   public PrintStream( OutputStream out);    
  // Public Instance Methods
   public boolean checkError();  
   public void print( long l);  
   public void print( int i);  
   public void print( char[] s);  
   public void print( Object obj);  
   public void print( String s);  
   public void print( char c);  
   public void print( boolean b);  
   public void println();  
   public void println( long x);  
   public void println( int x);  
   public void println( Object 

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